
Reclaimed Barnwood | Unfinished | 173 sqft

Original price was: $1,211.00.Current price is: $976.80.

Profile: Raw

$/sqft: $7 $5.60

Thickness: 5/8

Width: Random Width 

Lengths: Random Lengths 8′-16′

Square Feet: 173′

Piece Count: 65

Application: Exterior Cladding, Interior Paneling, Ceilings & Soffits

Tag #: RI1221

**This material is sold as-is. Delta Millworks does not accept any responsibility for defects found on material purchased on the Overstock Wood page. The bundles are only available in the square foot amount listed above. Please read all information regarding this material listed on the page above before placing an order. 

**This material is currently only available for local pick-up at our facility in Austin, TX. We will reach out to arrange pick-up after the order is completed.

For more information on this product, please contact

1 in stock

SKU: Overstock Wood 19 Category: